Wednesday, September 20, 2006

London #3

Hey guys and gals... Life in the good old UK has kept on rolling along at a frenetic I will try to keep everyone as up to date as I can....

As always, first things first...

Some really bad news--I let my brother use my RAZR and he broke, i lost EVERYONE'S phone #'s---everything...home, work, etc. etc. etc. So, PLEASE send me basically all of your information--that would be awesome...

Secondly...and nothing pleases me more, some people are starting to plan some awesome London trips to visit a certain someone, so let me give everyone the low down on my schedule and how to get here.

I live in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath apt, and 1 person can COMFORTABLY stay on my huge leather couch. 2 people could also manage, but it would be tight...and if you are a girl, then I also am happy to share my queen bed..:-) In terms of where to fly, here is the airport breakdown by distance to my flat---Heathrow, Gatwick, Stanstead, Luton--and don't forget Dublin is only 30 minutes away by air, so that flight could work as well. I have already seen $400 flights from basically anywhere in the US from United until March..I feel like they will only get cheaper and may bottom out at $ come one and come all....

Finally -- I have internet!! YAY!!! So, for everyone who is interested my AOL IM is edwardo starr and my Skype name is edwardstarr. I have the fancy video camera, so if you guys want, you can gaze into my eyes when we chat. EVERYONE GET SKYPE so we can chat for free....

OK...onto the fun stuff...I finally figured out how to properly send pictures, apologies to everyone for my pathetic attempt last time--so following this email will be some pics from what I am talking about. So the highlight of the past week has undoubtedly been ROBBIE WILLIAMS. So, he is like the biggest thing in the world here..he played to 70,000 for 5 NIGHTS!?!?! I was lucky enough to get tix (bring on all of the Robbie jokes--he rocks)--Check out the pics--the stage was better than what I saw for the Rolling Stones.

Also, the STARRS have arrived in London--so I have been trying to keep up with my brother and act as a proper tour guide...I am preparing for all of you..:-) Anyway, we have had a blast here so far and the weather has been amazing...Check out some cool shots from around London. We are also going to PORTUGAL this weekend!!! I am so excited as I have never been, and its still like 85 there, so I plan on doing some proper beach activities...I will try to take some great pics and send them on the next email.

In terms of LBS---Me and a team of 3 other people have entered the AT KEARNEY world-wide case-study competition. Schools include MIT, COLUMBIA, KELLOGG, INSEAD, etc. So I will keep everyone abreast of my progress---3 teams out of 20 get picked from LBS to go onto the next round. Winner gets $12,000 and a job offer--so hey, who knows...Also, I am embroiled in Business Statistics---so don't be jealous of my currently as I struggle with the joys of Regression analysis...I am making some great friends out here..really cool people that I am getting along with and I look forward to introducing guys to when you come and visit.

In the mean time, my BEARS are 2-0--YEAH!!! I went to the Sports Cafe here on opening day and it was a MADHOUSE---I was wearing my new bears jersey courtesy of Jason Hornik and was among at least 20 other Bears fans. In regards to my other team, CHELSEA had a HUGE win in the Champions league and against Liverpool las weekend. The squad is doing well and they have a player named Didier Drogba who is simply astounding to watch on the pitch...i am also the proud owner of a brand new Chelsea jersey courtesy of gregory and jane.

Anyway--it's getting late I hope everyone is doing well...I will try to update everyone next week when I get back from Portugal.

Miss you all...

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